- Earn real money by selling items.
- Create an account on an Exchange.
- Exchange IOTA for other cryptos or euro/dollar
You can sell and buy items for IOTA in the game. To convert IOTA to your local currency or to buy IOTA, log on to a crypto exchange and buy IOTA there or send IOTA from dragon crusade to the exchange.
- Register on https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=13580962
- Buy IOTA (Miota) on binance (Tutorial below)
- Transfer the IOTA from Binance to your ingame deposit address.
After you have received the IOTA ingame you can spend them ingame in the Start->Item Finder or at any Vendor thats sells for IOTA ingame.
You can also send the iota back to binance by clicking withdraw in the Start->Feature->Crypto Wallet window ingame.
Feel free to use other crypto exchanges too like (Bitfinex, Bitpanda or https://www.iota.org/get-started/buy-iota )
Contact us in discord if you got questions or problems https://discord.gg/cXsVX9u