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Ascension of Dragon Lords
Server Launched - 2025


Dragon Crusade Flyff Season 7 Island Expedition

The Season 7 Server will go online on December 28th 6 PM GMT+1. You can expect a fresh start and a lot of new content.

The season is expected to run until April were we make a discord survey about when to merge into the main server. No characters or items will be lost after the season, instead all will be transferred to the main server. 

Island Expedition

Upgrade your CS sets by doing mission and dungeons on the new Island Expedition world, starting at Dragon Rank 10.

Season 7 Tournament 120.000 Dragon Coins Prize Pool

Dragon Crusade offers you the biggest Flyff tournament with a prize money of 120000 in Dragon Coins. 

The tournament is spread over 10 matches during the season. The guild gets tournament points depending on the number of points achieved in Guild Siege. New guilds can enter the tournament at any time without registration.

The prize money will be distributed to the guilds in Donate Coins after the tournament. The exact dates of the tournament matches can be found below in the tournament schedule.

Solo Dungeon System

Farm dungeons easily even when you don't have a group. The dungeon solo mode will be available for dungeons 30 ranks below the current cap and will have a lower drop chance.

Legend Points

Collect Legend Points while the season and the main server is running to unlock benefits, discounts and free items for the next season.

New Level Caps & Tournament Dates

The level caps of season 7 are more compact so you don't have to wait as long. This does not make the season shorter because drop rates and EXP rate stay the same.

Kraken Dungeon

One of the new dungeons of the Island Expedition. One mission will send you under water into the kraken cave.

Lost Island Dungeon

Explore the island and complete the missions of the exploration captain in order to upgrade your CS sets.

Observatory Dungeon

One of the final mission of the Island Exploration is to climb up to the observatory of the gods.

1on1 Guardians

This season the guardian became immune to AOE damage, so you have to fight them with 1on1 damage only.

Auto Powerup Inventory Transfer

Transfer all your powerups into the powerup inventory so you have more space for other items.

Guide Notification System

A new information system which will give you short hints about what you can do at a certain level. This will be helpful for new players discovering the server.

Season 7 Tournament Plan

Points for the tournament are awarded on fixed dates. To get points you have to participate in Guild Siege on that day and score points. The tournament always takes place on Sundays at 3 PM GMT+1. Each tournament match will give you a free level up at any level!

Release Timeline

We will be releasing new content gradually over the season using level caps. This will allow the community to play closer together and create a healthier market in the game.


Master Your Class (PvE Competition)

Be the fastest in your class and reach the maximum Dragon Rank first. From each class, the first one to reach the maximum level wins one non-purchasable CS sets and one month premium and $50 in Dragon Coins. 

Within the 8 winners one will be drawn who has the chance to win a gaming set consisting of keyboard and mouse.

Upcoming Features

We will publish all upcoming features in the next few days, moreover, some of them will already be available on the main server in advance and can be tested.

Whats new on the server?

  • We added a lot of new content over the last months.
  • You can checkout our features when you click on features in the top menu

Do you still have questions?

  • Join our Discord Server and chat with us.
  • You can also contact us on facebook.


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